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Prenatal accompaniment
You can go to the midwife at different moments during your pregnancy for general information, but also for consultations and observation.
During the monitoring, you can enjoy the cardiac heartbeat of your baby peacefully and in an enjoyable setting.

The experienced midwife will guide you during one hour in an individual session.


The mother and her partner are optimally prepared to start the pregnancy, delivery and early parenthood.
We try to take the personal wishes of the couples in account as much as possible.
You’re not alone when learning the correct feeding techniques.

Good to know about the first weeks
This information session is meant for couples who have just discovered they are pregnant and have a thousand questions. We will be happy to answer them.

Some explanation will be given about all possible changes which may take place and what may cause them.
Besides this, some more attention will be paid to the reason why several blood analyses will be done during your pregnancy. Also, you will be advised about food and physical exercise.
Prenatal gymnastics
Giving birth is a heavy physical activity. So, if your body is in good shape you can probably better handle your pregnancy. In other words, being pregnant is your best ‘excuse’ to choose for a positive lifestyle attitude like eating healthy food and doing physical exercise.

This way you will prevent or reduce some postnatal discomfort of frequent occurrence. These exercises are meant for pregnant women and aim at training pelvic, abdominal and dorsal muscles. Comfortable clothes are a must for this session.
Being a woman during and after pregnancy
Of course you are happy to become a mother, but it does not always mean you are happy with your changing body or you are not finding it hard to regain your feelings as a woman. Your partner as well might find it difficult to handle the situation.

We will guide you through the pregnancy with advice and tips to get through this period as a couple.Advice on how to avoid stretch marks on breast, stomach and legs will be given.
Before your baby is born, contractions will open the cervix. In order to deal with this, you should understand what is actually happening (why does it take so long with human beings?). The point is to listen to your body. You don’t need to stay in bed, let gravity help you.

Furthermore, we try to give an answer on questions like: “When do I have to go to the hospital? Do I need to let them know that I am coming? Do I need to make a reservation? What is a contraction?”
The Delivery
The second part of the process is shorter but much more intense. During this session we explain how a delivery might be, because every delivery is different. We will talk about the possible positions of the body during the delivery.

It is obvious that the partner has an important role. We also try to answer questions like “how long will it take? Who can be with me during the delivery? When does the gynaecologist come? What happens right after I give birth?
Breathing and relaxation exercises
Breathing is something we do automatically, but unfortunately as grown ups we forget the right way of breathing. Because breathing is very important to guide you through your labor, it is useful to prepare yourself. During labor, it is not the time to learn new techniques. The purpose is that you learn to breathe the right way – when you practise further at home – so it becomes automatic at ‘le moment suprême”.

Even though it is not the partner who will go through this hard labor, it is useful for him to participate actively with these exercises. This will help him to know how to help his partner if she loses control on her breathing during labor. The partner will need to learn some relaxation exercises that can help release your pain during labor. You’ll have to wear loose clothes for this session.
Alternative pain relief
The pain that women undergo during the delivery, has a bad reputation. Though there are still women who claim that they found a good way of dealing with this pain.
We like to talk seriously about this and teach you 5 techniques and tips to deal with this pain and maybe with this, avoiding an epidural.

The presence of the partner during this session is recommended, because he will learn how to support and guide his partner during labor. It gives the couples a chance to bond so that during labor, they make a perfect team.
Possible medical interventions
Sometimes things don’t go the way we expect or want and an intervention is needed. During this session we explain and talk about possible interventions, like an episiotomy, an epidural, or a caesarean section. We are convinced that objective information about this can take away a lot of stress and fear the moment it occurs.
Dad’s course
You don’t become a Daddy over night. You are also looking in on the sidelines, ‘powerless’. This time we will talk about the specific needs and questions of the future father. How to deal with my changing partner? What do we expect from me during pregnancy and delivery? How can I make this heavy task lighter and how do I prepare myself to become a good father for my child? Besides all the answers we will also teach you some techniques of massage to support your partner during labor.
Tour of the hospital
It is useful to know where you will end up during labor. Not only for practical information such as “where do I park my car?” but also to get an idea of the place where your baby will be born. This is very important in the process of the delivery. Women in labor have more difficulties to relax in an unknown environment.

Together, we will visit the delivery room and explain which material is in the room, what will happen during your stay, what you need for the baby and yourself as a future mother.

After that we will visit the maternity ward to see a double and a single room and explain you your stay.
Breast and/or bottle feeding
The choice between breast or bottle feeding is a mother’s choice. We would like to help you in making the right choice for you.

Mirha Mirha
What is more natural than breastfeeding your baby? Just taking your baby in your arms and putting them on your breast. It sounds easy enough. But the reality has taught us that it is often quite stressful. Feelings of uncertainty (is my baby eating enough), uncomfortability (cracked nipples) and frustrations can occur, especially the first weeks after you give birth. Experience teaches us that mothers who are well prepared and supported, go through this difficult period more easily. This ensures them to enjoy breastfeeding after a while.

We try to explain the mechanism of breastfeeding, so that you can understand some of the problems and react appropiately. We will also give you advice on your food intake, posture and how to avoid other problems.

Some mothers choose to bottlefeed for one reason or another or have no choice (infection, breast operation). There is no doubt that breastfeeding is excellent, but know that bottlefeeding is a great alternative. Babies will grow well with milk adapted to their age. We can give you the necessary information when required.
How to handle a newborn
During this session we look beyond the delivery. Hopefully your pregnancy goes well and you can be prepared for your delivery, but what about once your baby is born? What is a good temperature for your baby? How can we prevent “cot death”? How do I know my baby is crying excessively and what can I do about it? We will try to answer these and other questions. We will also show you how to use a sling which may comfort your baby.